MILK DESTROYS BONES AND CAUSES OSTEOPOROSIS Since childhood, we have heard from all sides
Since childhood, we have heard from all sides that you need to drink milk so that bones and teeth become strong. Dairy products are rich in calcium, so the dairy industry is happy to support the advocacy that is leading to increased consumption of their calcium-rich products. But something is missing in this bundle - after all, in countries where people consume the most cow's milk and dairy products, the statistics for bone diseases and fractures are the worst!
Americans consume dairy products more than any other nation. So the bones of the Americans would have to be remarkably strong, right? Unfortunately, it is not. Recently collected statistics showed that American women aged 50 and over lead among their peers from almost all other countries in such an injury as a hip fracture (statistics for this injury are higher only in some European countries, as well as in Australia and New Zealand, where drink even more milk than in the US).
In 1992, scientists from the Yale University School of Medicine published a report that combined data on protein intake with bone injury statistics from 34 different statistical studies conducted in 16 countries. An impressive figure was deduced - 70% of cases of fractures and cracks were correlated with the use of animal protein.
These studies explained that animal protein, unlike plant protein, strongly “acidifies” the body. This means that the blood and tissues of our body become more acidic. The body does not like this acidity, and it tries to resist. In order to neutralize acid, the body uses calcium - this is the most effective mechanism. But this calcium has to come from somewhere. And the body has to take calcium from its own bones. Loss of calcium, as a result, weakens the bones, increasing the risk of cracks and fractures.
In 2004, the book "China Study" was published, which made a lot of noise around milk. In it, Dr. Colin Campbell, professor of food biochemistry at Cornell University who grew up on a dairy farm, claims that milk consumption can lead to type 1 diabetes, prostate cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases.
The milk you get today in your supermarket is a industrial product, totally destroyed and cooked to dead, even containing additives which have been added during the production process. And this stuff is still called "Milk". Weird
Yes, the food and chemical industries perfectly imitate the taste, color, smell and texture of any food