Curiosity opens door for knowledge.

When they say that curiosity kills the cat, it is not lie. But that does not mean that we should not be curious at times. Everyone on earth has the ability to be curious in one way or the other. Curiosity in a man is that trait that drives the man to get more knowledge by finding out some things.


So, for this topic: Curiosity. We are going to be looking at some areas of my life that I have been so curious that I had to waste things that I should not have wasted. Well, there are quiet a number of things that I was curious about. I was curious about how people grow. Hahaha 😂. You know that children can be funny at times. I do ask myself before if children grow in the midnight when everyone is sleeping. I also get curious about how one will eat grandnut and when to bring it out either by throwing up or by going to toilet, it will turn out to be another thing.
But two major things that made me spoil things is what I want to talk about today. When you are curious without any knowledge, then you will have to destroy some things before you will get to know the right answer to your question.

I was so curious about two things:
I wanted to know how planted things grow. Things like maize, Okro, yam and other things. So, I decided to carry my mother maize without the knowledge of my mother, get a small place beside our house and planted it. From the day I planted it, I do visit every day and remove it from the soil check if it has started growing then plant it back again. I kept doing this even when it started growing up a little maybe because I forget to check for some days. After some time, the plant will die off and I will start all over again.
Secondly, I took ten seeds of beans from the beans that was supposed to be blended to make beans cake. When I removed that ten, I took a cup and poured water into it, dropped the beans in it. Then allow it for about twenty minutes. Brought it out and checked to know if it has increased. I wanted to know what usually happens when we wash beans and allow it to soak in water for thirty minutes and it will become plenty. It is that it increases in number or that it swells up and make the beans to become plenty. But in all my curiosity, I never found out what I was looking for. I ended up becoming more confused. After thinking about it for a while, I will just let go hence I can't understand anything.
I never understood what I was looking for until when I grew up. This is to show us that no matter how curious you become at times, you might not even get the answers to your questions. Even now, I still become curious, but by now I have gathered knowledge. I can handle my research as a result of curiosity in the right direction.
This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 71 and edition 2. "Curiosity"


Our great scientist 😃😃 well that's not bad though, you wanted to know more.
I have also thought of these things too sometime ago, but now I know better.


Scientist indeed. I ended up spoiling things. Hahaha 😂.
Thanks for hopping in


I do ask myself before if children grow in the midnight when everyone is sleeping

Lol. This is a funny read especially how you planted corn and keep harvesting it like a tuber of yam.
Well, we were all like this back in the childhood days and we spoilt a lot of gadgets out of curiosity trying to find out how and what makes those things work.


That is children for you. If they are allowed, they can destroy things.
Thanks for hopping in
