Austria Leads the Pack in Selective Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates and Euthanasia


By Janet Phelan

On November 14, the government of Austria announced that the unvaccinated would be facing a ten-day lockdown. Initially reported as an effort to curb "escalating cases of Covid," it soon became clear that the purpose of the lockdown was to increase vaccination compliance, rather than to curtail the spread of Covid.

Austria, which is the birthplace of Adolph Hitler, has led the pack in becoming the first European country to announce vaccine mandates. The recently announced vaccine mandate will come with a fine of 3600 Euros ($4,071) a quarter for non-compliance and will go into effect in February, pending approval by Parliament. As reported in Reuters, "Two opposition parties support it, suggesting it will pass easily."

If the Austrian lockdown was reported initially as a response to escalating cases of Covid, the true reason to restrict only the activities of the unvaccinated soon became clear. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, the intent of the lockdown was to increase compliance with the looming vaccine mandate, not to address any public health crisis.

The WSJ article also cited studies supporting the use of selective lockdowns to increase vaccination compliance rates, stating:

"A new study, meanwhile, found that restrictions that targeted only the unvaccinated increased people’s willingness to take the shot compared with restrictions targeting everyone regardless of their immunity status.

The survey by the Munich-based Ifo economic research institute examined vaccination rates in districts along the border between Austria and Germany and found that vaccination increased in Austria under a lockdown targeting only the unvaccinated.

On Oct. 4, Austrian border districts had a vaccination rate of 61.1%, while the figure on the German side, where the unvaccinated could avoid restrictions on visiting bars, restaurants, and other services by undergoing a Covid-19 test, was 57.2%."

As reported by Reuters in the above cited article on December 9, 2021,

"Roughly 68% of Austria's population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the lowest rates in western Europe."

Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia have also now announced further restrictions on the unvaccinated.

As we know, there are other, covert risks associated with a lockdown, specifically involving the risk of further attacks through a weaponized water system. Those on lockdown are far more likely to be imbibing house water than those who are free to come and go. While most of the research involving the weaponized water systems has been done in the US, there have also been indications that this system was heavily exported elsewhere. It has been found in Switzerland, Canada, Israel and post-invasion Iraq, as well as in at least one capital city in Latin America.

A recent check done on Austrian Covid deaths during the recent lockdown, as compared to the preceeding months, leaves one a bit bewildered as to how the lockdown impacted at all the deaths attributed to Covid. A spot check of reported Covid lockdown deaths during the recent unvaccinated lockdown are as follows:

November 14, 17 deaths
nov 20, 42 deaths
nov 23, 72
nov 27, 65
dec 1, 61
dec 10, 65
dec 15, 51

Starting on September 1 of 2021 and going up to the beginning of the lockdown in mid-November, a spot check of reported coronavirus deaths in Austria are as follows:

sept 1, 3
sept 7, 11
sept 14, 9
sept 21, 22
sept 28, 10
oct 3, 5
oct 10, 6
oct 17, 6
oct 24, 6
oct 31, 12
nov 6, 31
nov 13, 48

If the intent was to curtail the death rate from Covid, the lockdown does not appear to have made much of an impact. If the purpose was to force vaccine compliance, that is an entirely different matter.

In an act further concerning those who see a broad attempt to enforce eugenics compliance in multiple different manners, the Austrian government in the past few days passed a bill which allows euthanasia for those NOT dying of a terminal disease but experiencing disabilities. Concerns that euthanasia laws indicate a slippery slope, which will result in the deaths of disabled rather than only those terminally ill, have been voiced for decades. Recent articles have revealed that some of these deaths are not being requested by those who are killed.

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, will be published in 2021 by Trine Day. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet "jumped ship" and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan

Image: Euractiv

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