Cleanplanet activity. 13/05/24

Hello everyone and welcome to my post.
It is a new day, bright beautiful and calm. The weather today is really calm and enjoyable.

I woke up today feeling great and very happy to have seen another beautiful day.

After waking up, I said a short prayer as I always do, then I went out to keep fit by doing some exercise. I went to jog the streets and I felt really exhausted afterwards. After the jogging, I went got home and stretched my body. The cracking sounds that came from my bones was really relaxing.
After that, I went make breakfast for myself then I went to the bathroom for a warm bath. After the bath, I had my breakfast.

It is actually disheartening to see the people who are supposed to be fighting against something, be the ones that embrace it.

I want to change where I work, so I decided to apply for different hospitals.

I was called for an interview which I attended. This interview did not go as I thought it will go.

The interviewer is a doctor, a cardiac surgeon to be exact but guess what? This man has a cigarette in his hands while interviewing me.

When I entered the place, I exchanged pleasantries and was given a sit. When I sat down, the interviewer introduced himself as a cardiac surgeon. After a while of taking, he reached out for something and I saw that it was a box of cigarettes.

He lighted one and continued the interview. I did not want to be disrespectful, so I maintained my cool.

Well, I will continue the story in my next post.

For now, let's do our cleaning activity.

I did my clean planet activity today and I took some pictures while at it. These pictures can be found below.

Thank you for reading and viewing.

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